Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Tragic Love Triangle Of Yonville Essays - Madame Bovary, Emma

The Tragic Love Triangle of Yonville Gustave Flubert's masterpiece, Madame Bovary, was first published in 1857. The novel shocked many of its readers and caused a chain reaction that spread through all of France and ultimately called for the prosecution of the author. Since that time however, Madame Bovary, has been recognized by literature critics as being the model for the present literary period, being the realistic novel period. It is now considered a novel of great worth and one which contains an important and moving plot. In addition, it provides a standard against which to compare the works of writers to follow. It is nearly impossible to truly understand modern European and American fiction without reading, Madame Bovary. Charles Bovary, the only son of a middle-class family, became a doctor and set up his practice in a rural village. He then married a women who was quite older then himself. He was unhappily married to her saying that "Her dresses barely hung on her bony frame", This coming right before her death. Upon his wife's death, Charles married an attractive young women named Emma Roualt, the daughter of one of his patients. Emma married Charles with overwhelming expectations. She thought marriage would be filled with three things, "bliss, passion, and ecstasy". Emma had a character that was 1) dissatisfied 2) adulterous and 3) free spending. For a while she was excited and pleased by her marriage, but overwhelmed by her new life, she quickly became dissatisfied. As a result of her dissatisfaction she became mentally ill. For the sake of her health the Bovary's moved to a new town, Yonville, where their daughter was born. Emma's unhappiness continued, and she began to have romantic feelings toward Leon, a young law clerk. After Leon left the town in order to attend law school. Emma's boredom and frustration became more intense after Leon left. She began to forget her role as a wife and mother. Charles tried many times to please but none of his efforts were successful, and she did not value or understand Charles' love for her. Finally Emma had an adulterous affair with Rodolphe, a local land owner. Upon realizing Emma's intentions of an affair with him he states that he is "Gasping for love", and this wins her heart over. Rodolphe then leaves for a period of six weeks and Emma then becomes seriously ill again. After her recovery, Rodolphe returns and the only explanation for his actions is "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". She then runs across Leon in Rowen and began to resume were they left off. In order to afford the trips to Rowen to see Leon and satisfy her own needs, Emma spent her husbands money freely and incurred many debts. She kept this secret from Charles and managed to obtain a Power of Attorney, so that she would have full control over their financial affairs. Eventually her unpaid bills went long overdue and judgment was obtained against the creditors. She owed a vast sum of money, and the sheriff's officers arrived to confiscate the family property. Emma tried frantically to raise the money and finally turning to Leon, but he was unable to help, nor was he willing. She even tried to get back Rodolphe, by saying "I stayed with you, because I couldn't tear myself away...", he would have no part of her anymore and unwilling to help. Out of shame and despair of herself, she poisons herself to die. Shortly afterwards, now a ruined and broken man, also died, leaving their daughter to a life of poverty.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Definition and Examples of Research

Definition and Examples of Research Research is the collection and evaluation of information about a particular subject. The overarching purpose of research is to answer questions and generate new knowledge. Types of Research Two broad approaches to research are commonly recognized, though these different approaches may overlap. Put simply, quantitative research involves the  systematic collection and analysis of data, while qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials, which may include case study, personal experience, introspection, life story, interviews, artifacts, [and] cultural texts and productions (The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, 2005). Finally, mixed-method research  (sometimes called triangulation) has been defined as the incorporation of various qualitative and quantitative strategies within a single project. There are other ways of classifying different research methods and approaches. For example, sociology professor  Russell Schutt observes that [d]eductive research begins at the point of theory, inductive research begins with data but ends with theory, and descriptive research begins with data and ends with empirical generalizations(Investigating the Social World, 2012). In the words of psychology professor Wayne Weiten, No single research method is ideal for all purposes and situations. Much of the ingenuity in research involves selecting and tailoring the method to the question at hand(Psychology: Themes and Variations, 2014). College Research Assignments College research assignments are an opportunity for you to contribute to an intellectual inquiry or debate. Most college assignments ask you to pose a question worth exploring, to read widely in search of possible answers, to interpret what you read, to draw reasoned conclusions, and to support those conclusions with valid and well-documented evidence. Such assignments may at first seem overwhelming, but if you pose a question that intrigues you and approaches it like a detective, with genuine curiosity, you will soon learn how rewarding research can be.Admittedly, the process takes time: time for researching and time for drafting, revising, and documenting the paper in the style recommended by your instructor. Before beginning a research project, you should set a realistic schedule of deadlines.(Diana Hacker, The Bedford Handbook, 6th ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2002) Talent must be stimulated by facts and ideas. Do  research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on  cliche, its the key to victory over fear and its cousin, depression.(Robert McKee,  Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting. HarperCollins, 1997) A Framework for Conducting Research Beginning researchers need to start by using the seven steps listed below. The path is not always linear, but these steps provide a framework for conducting research...(Leslie F. Stebbins, Student Guide to Research in the Digital Age. Libraries Unlimited, 2006) Define your research questionAsk for helpDevelop a research strategy and locate resourcesUse effective search techniquesRead critically, synthesize, and seek meaningUnderstand the scholarly communication process and cite sourcesCritically evaluate sources Write What You Know I refer to [the writing motto] Write what you know, and problems emerge when it’s interpreted to mean that first-grade teachers should (only?) write about being a first-grade teacher, short-story writers living in Brooklyn should write about being a short-story writer living in Brooklyn, and so forth...Writers who are intimately familiar with their subject produce more knowing, more confident and, as a result, stronger results...But that command is not perfect, implying, as it does, that one’s written output should be limited to one’s passions. Some people don’t feel passionate about one given subject, which is regrettable but shouldn’t consign them to the sidelines of the world of prose. Fortunately, this conundrum has an escape clause: you can actually acquire knowledge. In journalism, this is called reporting, and in nonfiction, research... [T]he idea is to investigate the subject till you can write about it with complete confidence and authority . Being a serial expert is actually one of the cool things about the very enterprise of writing: You learn ’em and leave ’em.(Ben Yagoda, Should We Write What We Know? The New York Times, July 22, 2013) The Lighter Side of Research   Poking a dead raccoon is not research. (Bart Simpson, The Simpsons)  Google is not a synonym for research. (Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol, 2009)I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. (Franklin Pierce Adams, quoted in Readers Digest, October 1960)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Anti-trust Law Case Study

Anti-trust Law Case Study Landmark: Antitrust Case Study Question 1: Write a 100- word abstract of the case, including the date of the case The essay gives a brief analysis and review of a case in which the government of the United States led to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is the defense of the claim appeal 384 U.S. competition 270 presented by the U.S. government against VON Grocery Co. (Von) in 1966 in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of California No. 303. Duration was March 22, 1966 and the delivery of a verdict was the May 31, 1966. It was in favor of the defendant. This just reminded demand, government regulators were ignoring situations that occur within its jurisdiction. It was despite his knowledge of the changing developments in market structures that controlled processes. Government regulators failed to switch to a relaxed mood compared to previous legislative procedures necessary reacted to the threats and opportunities of his time. As a result, this led to the p revention of unfair trade practices or disposal of similar economic activities of small-scale business. Key words: VON’S GROCERY CO, 384 U.S. 270, Shopping Bag Food Stores and 7 of the Clayton Act. Question 2: Describe the provision of the US Antirust Law invoked to judge the presence of anti-competitive behavior or potential of for moving the industry in that direction. The 1960 merger of Von Grocery Company with competitor Shopping Bag Food Stores (Shopping Bag) whose locations are in Los Angeles, California violated Section 7 of the Clayton Act (n. P Thomson Reuter). Its amendment in 1950 regulates the reasonable termination through the prohibition of mergers and acquisitions, which decreased competition. Even after a new amendment in 1980, remains the main reference point for antitrust law mergers that threatened the United States (Fox CR4, CR8 and HHI, specially in cases of mergers. The claim of the United States had other modifications as support for their arguments. They were the 1950 amendment to Section 7 of the Celler-Kefauver and Congress sought to preserve competition for small businesses. Was also intended to help companies focus. The court was the agent that was against large companies that use concentrations in markets with increasing centralization of business. He succeeded in divesting after United States v. Philadelphia National. . Bank, 374 U.S. 321 Celler-Kefauver 362 Anti-Merger Act 1950 as amended provides relevant information: â€Å"That no company engaged in commerce †¦ shall acquire all or part of the assets of another company also engaged in commerce, where in any line of commerce in any part of the country, the effect of such acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly. â€Å" Question 4: Describe the â€Å"conduct† in question that has been considered â€Å"anticompetitive:†Determine if the defendant had used an anticompetitive Price Strategy and explain how. Likewise, describe any Non-price Strategies the defendant had used and describe how.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

W6 Disc IT Strategy in Difficult Economic Situations Essay

W6 Disc IT Strategy in Difficult Economic Situations - Essay Example Likewise, the number of participants or organizations applying IT-related applications are greater during economic prosperity. As such, its governance within an economically prosperous status would be more challenging. On the contrary, in times of economic decline, IT governance still faces difficulties in areas such as the need to be cognizant of costs associated with support and sustenance of IT systems, updates, and adherence to policies and regulations that abide by privacy and confidentialty; as well as security of information. In economic decline, the number of participants or organizations are perceived to decline due to tendencies for bankruptcies or financial losses. Thus IT governance issues are lesser, as compared to periods of economic prosperity. The strategies that could be suggested to cope with economic decline include: (1) establishing a core competence or competitive advantage through â€Å"operating at a lower cost, by commanding a premium price, or by doing both† (Galliers & Leidner, 2013, p. 388); (2) enhancing operational effectiveness through the online medium; (3) establishing an effective strategic positioning stance; (4) designing strategies that complement and balance traditional marketing strategies with that of digital or online medium. It was emphasized by Galliers & Leidner (2013) that â€Å"only by integrating the Internet into overall strategy will this powerful new technology become an equally powerful force for competitive advantage† (p. 402). Atkinson, R., & McKay, A. (2007, March). Digital Prosperity: Understanding the Economic Benefits of the Information Technology Revolution. Retrieved from The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation:

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Compare and Contrast Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compare and Contrast - Research Paper Example The Greek ideal was defined by the term â€Å"kalokagathia†. Since kalokagathia included the perfection of the body and physical constitution as well as moral and spiritual perfection, along with the beauty and power of the ideal, there was brought justice, purity, courage, and intelligence (Dombrowski 8). That is what made the sculptures of Greek gods carved by ancient sculptors of the unique beauty. Sculptures of all periods of Greek art were notable for its special beauty and the masterly performance. Passing to the specific examples, the current paper will compare and contrast two Greek sculptures of different periods: Peplos Kore and Aphrodite from Melos. The Archaic period in the history of Ancient Greece lasted from 8th to 6th centuries BCE. During this period, there was a rapid development of the material culture, handicraft centers, agriculture, and trade. There also occurred an intensification of city growth. This was the right moment for further development of art t hat, afterwards, glorified Ancient Greece: vase painting; monumental architecture, lyric poetry, and marble sculpture. The first sculptures in Greece began to emerge in the 7th century BCE. The island of Crete was a motherland for monumental sculpture. There were found stone sculptures of young male athletes and warriors that are dated back to the early 7th century BCE. Cretan school of sculpture created its important standards of simple and clear outline of the sculpture, generalized form, strict balance of all parts of sculpture, and frontal composition of the construction. Crete laid the basis for an ideal type of female and male statues, kore and kouros. Peplos Kore (ca.530 BCE.) was a statue of a young woman (maiden) standing in the constrained position. The statue of a girl was made a life-size or slightly smaller. On the tranquil and serene face of the statue the sculptor portrayed the so-called â€Å"archaic smile† to show that the sculpture is alive. Kores were dress ed in peplos, the draped tunic that hides the asymmetry of the figure (in the Attic school of sculpture most statues were dressed in peplos). Thus, the whole outfit gave the sense of girl purity and innocence. It should be noted that kores, the statue of the maidens, were never sculpted naked, in contrast to the male sculptures of the same period. Kores were designed with two purposes. Firstly, kores were dedicated to Greek gods. In this case, the kore was holding an object that was associated with the â€Å"occupation† of the god she was devoted to. On the footing of the statue, there was cut the text of dedication, the name of the sculptor, and the name of the person that paid for the making of the statue (patron). Secondly, kores were made to set at the cemetery on the graves of the distinguished citizens. In this case, the kore was made of resemblance with the deceased. Kores were the leading element in the Greek sculpture of the Archaic period (Stansbury-O’Donnell 138). The emotional clarity of this captivating image was once strengthened with bright coloring of the sculpture. In accordance with the Archaic standard, the eyebrows and eyelashes were blue, eyes and lips were brown, hair, flowing over the shoulders, was pinkish red, and the edge of the linen chiton and cape were painted green. The initial colors that were used for sculpture were restored from the small pieces of paint that were preserved on the kores. All kores that reached our days were very much alike. It was

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Instructor Graded Assignment Essay Example for Free

Instructor Graded Assignment Essay Equations In this and future Instructor Graded Assignments you will be asked to use the answers you found in the Unit 1 Assignment. Note: For these questions you need to cite a reliable source for information, which means you cannot use sites like Wikipedia, ®, and Yahoo ® answers. If you do use those sites the instructor may award 0 points for your response. The Assignment problems must have the work shown at all times. The steps for solving the problems must be explained. Failure to do so could result in your submission being given a 0. If you have any questions about how much work to show, please contact your instructor. Assignments must be submitted as a Microsoft Word ® document and uploaded to the Dropbox for Unit 2. Type all answers directly in this Assignment below the question it applies to. All Assignments are due by Tuesday at 11:59 PM ET of the assigned Unit. Finding the National Average Price for Gas These first few questions will require you to use the internet to search for the national average price for gas. Remember to use a scholarly site for information. List the website(s) you visited here: points): What was the average price of a gallon of gas 1 year from when your business math class started? I am confused with this question; my class began in August 2014 so 1 year from then will be 2015 so I have to go to the projected gasoline prices which for a gallon of gasoline are projected to be $ 3.38 as compared to $ 3.48 in 2014 down 10 cents a gallon. (5 points): You have $50 on hand and need to buy gas. How many gallons of gas can you buy (using the value you reported in Question 1.) @ $ 3.38 per gal. I would be able to purchase 14 gallons for $ 47.32 leaving $ 2.68 from the original $ 50.00. $ 3.38 x 14 = $ 47.32. 3. (5 points): If gas prices were to drop 10% from the current price, how much would a gallon of gas cost now? Current price per gallon of gasoline is $ 3.50 so a gallon would drop from 3.50 to $ 3.15 per gallon a drop of 35 cents per gallon which is 10% of $3.50. 4. (5 points): Using the average for 1 year ago, and the average for 6 months ago, calculate the  percent increase or decrease in the price of a gallon of gas over that 6 month time span. The average price per gallon of gasoline in the U.S 6 months ago May, 2014 was$ 3.66, the average price 1 year ago Oct. 2013 was $ 3.27, = ((3.66 3.27) / |3.27|) * 100 = (0.39 / 3.27) * 100 = 0.119266 * 100 = 11.9266% change = 11.9266% increase Finding the National Average for Food for One Person Questions 5, 6, and 7 will require you to search for the national average for food for one person. Remember to use a scholarly site for information. List the website(s) you visited here: (3 points): What was the national average for food for a month for one person, one year ago from the date the class started? Use the average for a 35-year-old male, and if multiple figures are given for that gender and age, use the highest number. $364.90 6. (5 points): If this person lives in a state with a 7% sales tax on all food purchases, how much will they need to spend on food for one year? $4,685.28 7% of 364.90 = 25.54 + 364.90 = 390.44 x 12 = $4,685.28  7. (5 points): Create an equation you could use to calculate the cost one person spends on food for a year (assume no tax on the food), using this site. Your equation must work for any age range, and any gender now. I went with the highest (liberal) cost for a single person per month which is $373.10 per month 373.10 x 12 = $ 4472.20 for one year’s food supply cost, I hope I understood this question correctly. Essay Question (15 points) 8. Using the internet, find a website where a linear equation is used. Using that website as a source, write a  ¾ 1 page essay response in which you discuss how the equation was used, if it was used correctly, and what solutions to the equation mean (in other words, why are you using the equation in the first place? What is the solution supposed to tell you once you find it). Requirements for essay Write your essay in this document – do not save it in a separate file. You must clearly state your position with well-structured paragraphs using  proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. This is not an â€Å"opinion† question – you must offer evidence to support your position, using properly cited sources. Your answer must be between  ¾-1 page in length. You must cite and reference at least one source (book, website, periodical) using APA format. The required website counts as one source. You may submit your Assignments to the Math Center for review. Tutors will not grade or correct the Assignment, but they will provide guidance for improvement. Tutors will not, however, help you find web sites for the Assignment. Be sure to submit Assignments early enough to receive feedback and make corrections before the Assignment due date (24 hour turn-around times Monday-Thursday and 48 hour turn-around times on weekends are typical). Email Assignments to: [emailprotected] Please put â€Å"MM255 Assignment Review† in the subject line of the message. Thomas Doyle Unit 2 assignment Essay MM255 Business Math and Statistical Measures If youve ever doubled a favorite recipe, youve applied a linear equation. If one cake equals 1/2 cup of butter, 2 cups of flour, 3/4 tsp. of baking powder, three eggs and 1 cup of sugar and milk, then two cakes equal 1 cup of butter, 4 cups of flour, 1 1/2 tsp. of baking powder, six eggs and 2 cups of sugar and milk. To get twice the output, you put in twice the input. You might not have known you were using a linear equation, but thats exactly what you did. use linear equations when I do my payroll, for example, If my foreman Chris works 2 hours at the rate of 20.00$ per hour, X = the number of hours worked and y equals the hourly rate so Y = 20x or 40.00$. I did not realize there were so many linear and nonlinear equations used in everyday life situations, they were always there I just never saw them for what they were. I use linear equations in the first example in order to increase the output and in the second to figure the correct payroll amount and these are the exact results I achieved.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Effects of the Tet Offensive Essay -- Vietnam War Essays

For nine years, the United States were hell-bent in achieving their rightful victory in Vietnam, however, destiny had different plans for them. The Tet Offensive is considered the turning point of the Vietnam Conflict because of the fact that the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army surprised the U.S and South Vietnam with several sporadic attacks. Consequently, many effects from these attacks were expected, not only for America, but for North and South Vietnam as well. With U.S citizens’ opinions quickly turning against U.S. involvement in Vietnam, South Vietnam faced much disaster. Its government was stricken with humility because of the increased abandonment of their army, leading to the inability to protect its citizens. On the other hand, North Vietnam began accepting great amounts of land along with the power to frighten the rural population. Soon after the Tet Offensive, citizens of the United States began having second opinions about concentrating our troops in Vietnam: â€Å"Within weeks [of the Tet attacks], many average Americans who previously were supporters had turned against the war† (Omicinski 2). A small cluster of Vietcong forces made their way into the compound of the United States embassy located in Saigon, proving to Americans that even though there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting in Vietnam, the U.S. had progressed only slightly (Dudley 131). The people were constantly being told that the conflict would soon end, however, increased need of military assistance had U.S. citizens questioning the veracity of our government. The phrase "credibility gap" surfaced to describe the growing public scepticism (Gerdes 14). This factor led to the government’s loss of support from most of the population. Ano...>. Dennison, John D. Tet Offensive of 1968 - A Simpler Version. 24 Aug 2004. 1st Cav Medic Radio Station. 3 May 2007 . Dudley, William. The Vietnam War: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc, 1998. Gerdes, Louise. Examining Political Issues Through Political Cartoons: The Vietnam War. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Omicinski, John. â€Å"Tet Offensive 30 years ago: A turning point of Last Half-Century.† USA Today. Jan. 31, 1998. SIRS Researcher. Waubonsie Valley H. S. Lib., Aurora, IL. 3 May 2007 . Vietnamization: Lasting Effects On South Vietnam. 1999. StudyWorld. 11 May 2007 . Effects of the Tet Offensive Essay -- Vietnam War Essays For nine years, the United States were hell-bent in achieving their rightful victory in Vietnam, however, destiny had different plans for them. The Tet Offensive is considered the turning point of the Vietnam Conflict because of the fact that the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army surprised the U.S and South Vietnam with several sporadic attacks. Consequently, many effects from these attacks were expected, not only for America, but for North and South Vietnam as well. With U.S citizens’ opinions quickly turning against U.S. involvement in Vietnam, South Vietnam faced much disaster. Its government was stricken with humility because of the increased abandonment of their army, leading to the inability to protect its citizens. On the other hand, North Vietnam began accepting great amounts of land along with the power to frighten the rural population. Soon after the Tet Offensive, citizens of the United States began having second opinions about concentrating our troops in Vietnam: â€Å"Within weeks [of the Tet attacks], many average Americans who previously were supporters had turned against the war† (Omicinski 2). A small cluster of Vietcong forces made their way into the compound of the United States embassy located in Saigon, proving to Americans that even though there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting in Vietnam, the U.S. had progressed only slightly (Dudley 131). The people were constantly being told that the conflict would soon end, however, increased need of military assistance had U.S. citizens questioning the veracity of our government. The phrase "credibility gap" surfaced to describe the growing public scepticism (Gerdes 14). This factor led to the government’s loss of support from most of the population. Ano...>. Dennison, John D. Tet Offensive of 1968 - A Simpler Version. 24 Aug 2004. 1st Cav Medic Radio Station. 3 May 2007 . Dudley, William. The Vietnam War: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc, 1998. Gerdes, Louise. Examining Political Issues Through Political Cartoons: The Vietnam War. Greenhaven Press, 2005. Omicinski, John. â€Å"Tet Offensive 30 years ago: A turning point of Last Half-Century.† USA Today. Jan. 31, 1998. SIRS Researcher. Waubonsie Valley H. S. Lib., Aurora, IL. 3 May 2007 . Vietnamization: Lasting Effects On South Vietnam. 1999. StudyWorld. 11 May 2007 .

Monday, November 11, 2019

DHCP and DNS Essay

Assignment 1: DHCP Troubleshooting. Check the workstations using ipconfig /all and find out if the ip range is within the address range you assigned, if it is a different address then the workstation failed to contact the DHCP server and has gone into apipa mode. The Network Interface Card might be assigned an incorrect driver. Another possible cause of the problem is that the patch cable is not plugged into the Network Interface Card, or is not connected to a switch on the other end. However, it could be that the server has run out of IP addresses that it can assign to clients. You can easily tell if this is the problem by comparing the size of the DHCP address scope to the number of devices on your network that request IP addresses from the DHCP server. But since only some of the workstations have got addresses the problem might be the DHCP server. Start off by doing some ping tests to verify that the DHCP server is able to communicate across the network. If the DHCP server is able to communicate with other computers on the network, then I recommend verifying that the DHCP server has an IP address that is compatible with the scope that the server is configured to assign addresses from. The server itself has to be assigned a static address in the same subnet range, such as If this still doesn’t solve the problem make sure that the DHCP server is still authorized by the Active Directory to lease IP addresses. You should also check to verify that the scope is active, and that the necessary services are running on the DHCP server. Exercise 1: DNS scenario. You will need to setup a primary DNS server in the larger branch office. Configure it as a primary forward lookup zone for the domain name of your company. Before you install DNS make sure your computer has a static ip address so it does not get one from the DHCP server. In the small branch setup a second DNS server. Configure it as a secondary forward lookup zone with the same domain name as the primary DNS server.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Movie Review Inception

Movie Review Essay â€Å"Inception† is a 2010 science fiction summer blockbuster filmed in various locations, such as Tokyo, France, Los Angeles, the United Kingdom, and Canada. The box office hit was directed by London-born Christopher Jonathan James Nolan, who is well-known for the cult classic, â€Å"Memento†, and his â€Å"Dark Knight† films. Along with American cinematographer, Walter â€Å"Wally† Pfister, equally well-known in his area of expertise, the motion picture has received critical acclaim. Nolan's interest in noir and abstract thought is apparent in many of his films, and â€Å"Inception† is no exclusion. As it is a film about dreams and cons, Nolan's style is incredibly fitting. Pfister, who has worked as the cinematographer for almost all of Nolan's films, adds to the movie's high quality with his characteristic use of dark tones and lighting, which only increases the movie's intrigue. Together, the two powerhouses team up once again to produce an incredible motion picture which has won numerous awards, such as the Academy Award for Best Cinematography. â€Å"Inception† is the story of a corporate spy by the name of Dom Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who came to fame in the movie, â€Å"Titanic†). However, what is particular about Cobb is that he doesn't merely enter a company's building in search of commercial secrets. He actually enters the minds of his targets while they are asleep and extracts the data he wants via conning and deceiving. But now, wanted for murder and unable to see his children due to his circumstances, he is offered the opportunity to regain his old life if he manages to accomplish the impossible: ‘inception', the planting of an idea into a target's mind, which then takes roots and grows. Gathering a group of specialist to assist him, Cobb begins to plan inception into the mind of a wealthy businessman. The camera angles of the movie were rather simple. Most of the shots were so that the character's face was directed at the viewer while said character talked to another. On a screen, the eyes of the actor would be level with that of the audience. However, there are some scenes that are completely opposite, particularly near the latter half of the movie, where more action tended to be focused upon. Although not as common, but highly interesting, ou'd see aerial shots of the surroundings. It gave a very desolate, mysterious feel to the film, while also informing the viewer about where the characters are. I found that the camera angles were okay, with a few that exceeded my expectations. Continuity was smooth, with talking scenes being fluid and dramatic and action scenes being erratic and ever changing, as how I like my movies to be. It was what you'd expect out of the t ypical talking and action scenes. The long moments of talking or silence between characters created a sense of depth. The short moments of running or fighting allowed you to lean forward in anticipation. I felt like the continuity did what it was suppose to do. Although, there were some moments, particularly in the first half, which I felt were rather awkward. The talking scenes in the beginning were rather quick and keep changing from one character to the next, and I was so caught in trying to figure out the plotline, that I didn't even figure out the main character's name until the credits. Cutting, I noticed, was very prominent in the latter half of the motion picture. It made sense, as with the plotline and story the way it is, it definitely made the movie better as the whole. It added to the tension and sense of heart pounding â€Å"Oh-my-word-come-on-you-only-have-5-seconds-to-do-that-gah†. Not only is that, but it allowed the viewer to keep up with the characters' actions, which is very nice if you have a particular character you think is cool. I like Eames, the smart-aleck of the group, so I liked to know what was happening to him and seeing that he wasn't going to die and all that. Close-ups were generally seen in talking scenes, allowing the audience to focus on the emotions and reactions of the character. There was rarely a moment where the camera zoomed in on something that wasn't an organism, something that lived and breathed. In this aspect of the movie, I found it to be either boring or heart-breaking. In my opinion, how good the close-ups were was completely dependent on the actress and actor's ability to perform. If I became aware that they were trying to look sad, rather than felt that the character was distraught, I felt like the close-up wasn't a particularly mart move. I noticed that the composition of â€Å"Inception† was rather dark. Light was played with and created shadows that revealed parts of the character's body, while the other was engulfed in darkness. Objects were always placed far away as to create a feeling of isolation, while managing to focus in on the character the camera was directed at. I really, really enjoyed the compositi on. I believed it worked wonders for the story's overall feeling. It allowed for dark and desolate tone to be even more pronounced. Inception really loves its slow motion scenes. However, considering that it can be a rather fast-moving movie, it does have its uses. Although there was one particular scene near the beginning that made me raise an eyebrow, I found that most of them were rather cool-looking. Considering that the characters were essentially stepping into a dream world, where everything is possible, the slow motions displayed all the strange and exciting so your eyes could feast in the wonderfulness of it all. The color scheme tended to lean towards neutral, yet somehow gave off a very sharp feel to it. There was also a low contrast, although it was most apparent near the end, with a particularly monochromatic feel to it. Textures were interesting to see when things began to lead towards the rising action. As for space, I felt like there was always a foreground and background, but not so much a middle ground. I suppose this was due to the incredible amount of talking. Shape was super incredibly awesome. Then again, it's a plotline about going into the dream world, so obviously the minds behind the work would take advantage of the ability to play around with the world they created. Either way, your mouth would drop at some of the things they twisted, the architecture in particular. In fact, the architecture is one of the most interesting things in the whole movie. As stated before, the movie played around with shadows a lot. There were a lot of highlights in â€Å"Inception†, particularly on the face. The characters are always slightly off center on the screen and there are generally only one or two characters in a single shot. I like to think it just furthers the idea of the isolated feel to the movie. Buildings are towering and rather rectangle in shape, giving off a feel of aloofness. The special effects are in high gear when the characters enter the mind of the wealthy businessman. Things explode, crumble apart, and all that jazz: The essentials for any type of action movie. It's fantastic. My particular favorite is when they do these anti-gravity shots and you see the characters walking upside down and floating in mid-air. Although I found some aspects of the cinematography to be average or lacking, it fully makes up in other ways. The composition and special effects are wicked awesome and I could see why the film won an Academy Award in Cinematography.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Queen Hatshepsut essays

Queen Hatshepsut essays Queen Hatshepsut, daughter of Thutmose I and Aahmes, was one of the few female pharaohs of Egypt. There were other female pharaohs prior to her, and female pharaohs after her, although Queen Hatshepsut was special in many aspects. Hatshepsuts full name is composed of four parts. The first is she who is rich, powerful through her kas , her doubles. (Edwards) The second, nebti, indicates pharaohs authority over both east and west. (Edwards) The third, Horus, means the divine one in her risings. (Edwards) The final part of her name is composed of two cartouches. The first being Kamara, the true double of Ra. (Edwards) The second cartouche has no holy meaning but simply gives her name, Hatshepsut. (Edwards) Her full name inscribed on her great seal read: The Horus, mighty by his Kas, the lord of East and West abounding in years, the good goddess, the pious lady, the golden falcon, divine in her rings, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Kamara, the daughter of Ra, Khnumit Amon, Hatshepsut. (Edwards) Women in Egypt were quite different than those in other cultures. They were allowed to own property, hold official positions, inherit from their parents or husbands, and defend her legal rights in court. (Unknown) It seemed that they were allowed to appear in public, whereas in Greece their designated area was at home. (Unknown)Due to the social freedoms of women in Egypt, a number of queens were able to gain some influence. Hatshepsut was preceded by Tetisheri, Ahhotep II, and Ahmose-Nefertary, all whom were 17th century queens that achieved some sort of control over the government. (Unknown) Paving the way for Hatshepsut they impacted the general view of women and maintained stability and order, making her the most extraordinary female to be pharaoh in Egypt. (Unknown) Hatshepsut, daughter of Thutmose I and Ahmose, was the favor...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Quality Managment and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Quality Managment and Control - Essay Example How the company implemented quality management In fact, the company, at first, tried to analyze how its customers evaluate their products. To the utter surprise of the company, the customers were only partially satisfied. As illustrated in Champman and Hall (1991, p. 160), when the company probed further into the issue, it was found that there were problems regarding packaging, installation, labeling, and integration with other products; and these findings created a wave of shock in the company, and as a result, various strategies were developed in the plant. At first, the company set up a steering committee that consisted of all the senior management. As a part of it, a strategy was set up by the company that was to be implemented from below was started. This strategy clearly identified what each employee had to do to achieve the company goals. As a part of it, the company introduced ‘Just-in-time’, a strategy for quality management, was introduced in the year 1984 (ibi d). It started with providing education to all the employees. Once they found the program effective among the employees, it was spread to the IBM suppliers. As a part of it, senior managements of supplier chains were provided extensive classes. It was followed by supplier certification program which is based on BS5750 that covered everything ranging from process qualification, project management and statistical techniques (ibid). Following this, in 1985, the company introduced the techniques known as ‘process quality management’ and ‘departmental purpose analysis’ (DPA) (ibid). DPA aimed at finding and eliminating the non-value-added services conducted by a department. From the analysis, it became evident that some... This paper approves that the company views itself as a knowledge company and hence skills and knowledge are very vital for the company. So, the quality control of the company starts from the moment it decides to select employees. According to the company, a global supply chain with thousands of partners faces increased risks of waste, inefficiency, environment impact, and cost. So, it becomes necessary to continuously improve business performance and sustainability and this should reach the supply chains. The inability in this step can lead to higher use of energy, and other natural resources resulting in severe environmental damage. In addition, there will be problems like poor quality products and services, safety concerns, and poor labor practices. This will result in the detachment of stakeholders like customers, shareholders, partners and employees. IBM has developed extensive guidelines ensuring quality in its supplier operations. This essay makes a conclusion that in total, it becomes evident that the company introduced quality management and control measures as early as 1980s and the measures adopted by IBM were in no way inferior to the strategies of other companies. In fact, the company holds a proven record of effective quality management and control that ranges from senior management to sub-contractors. Furthermore, it is evident that adopting Six Sigma in their quality control will further sharpen their strategies and will make it flawless and more effective.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

THE FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

THE FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example The values projected by current ratio of Wiman company postulate that it is able to meet its financial obligations. However, its ability is limited to some percentage; for instance in the year 2012, it was only able to meet 8% of its total debts and obligations The analysis reveals that the company is making loses apart from the year 2011. This could be as a result of more money paid out as dividend and recurrent expenditure. Decisively, the company is not generating sufficient income. Between the financial year 2010 and 2013, the fixed asset turnover ratio has been constantly improving a clear indication that the company is using its internal resources effectively. However, a slight decrease has been recorded in the year 2013. In year 2011, the company paid only 15% of its total income as dividend. However, the percentage has been steadily increasing with up to 131% in the year 2013. While a higher percentage of dividend may look good, it is unsustainable and that is why market prospects my get scared form investing in the